Meet Claud

I started working at Neema Crafts in 2009 and I have worked in many different departments. I began working in the shop, then the office, then moved to weaving and now I work as a carpenter. I think I enjoy my job in the carpentry department the best, and love working together with so many other people with disabilities.

I was born a healthy child but when I was 3 years old, I fell sick. I don’t know why, but my legs stopped working properly and I have never been able to walk again. Despite this, I was a determined child, and with my friends help I made it through both primary and secondary school. This was not easy at all and I am very proud of my achievement. After completing my schooling, I had two jobs that I dreamed of doing. One was to be a photographer and the other, to set up my own small shop selling sodas and other drinks. I decided to start work as a photographer first and then use the money I earned to set up my shop, but sadly finding customers was difficult, as most people just take photos with their phones these days! I also didn’t earn enough to continue with my shop dream. It was at this time that I remembered Suzie Hart and the work of Neema Crafts. She used to visit me when I was at school and she offered me a job.Now I have been working here for nearly 10 years and even have a new house which Neema helped me to build. Although I live alone, I am happy because my neighbours are my colleagues!

Now I have managed to save enough money to fulfill one of my dreams and have started a little shop outside my house, which I run at weekends and evenings. I hope that this will continue to grow, and maybe one day someone else can benefit from my job at Neema.


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